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Note: We no longer post nor use this website. Be sure and save our new website to your browser favorites!!
Who are we?
Maybe you’ve never even considered church. Many of us have been right there with you. But since our lives have been radically and powerfully changed–not by “religion” but by a real relationship with Jesus Christ–we have experienced profound peace and joy in our lives and want to share this beauty with others. Are our lives perfect? Not even close. Do we mess up? Often, really often. But it’s an amazing journey. Come and join us!
Who should come?
Anyone! Singles, married couples, divorced, old and young we invite you to connect with us. Bring your kids. Expect to laugh. If you’re a great cook, we really need you! We are committed to the idea that a community of servants, united under God, can experience wonderful life-change while helping build great towns and villages. Do you love the concepts of helping our hurting neighbors, establishing meaningful family and individual support systems, building strong communities and fostering social justice and cultural renewal to the mid-coast Maine towns and villages and, eventually the world? If you appreciate these principles, then you should come!
Skeptics (really) Welcome!
Let’s face it, doubt is natural. When thinking people come to the claims of Christianity they are going to ask questions. We sure did. We think skeptics and believers alike have a moral and intellectual responsibility to candidly examine our doubts and beliefs. And we’re not afraid to do just that—with grace and humor and without judgementalism or attitude. We are living proof that Jesus truly meets us all where we are—and continues to do so. With God’s help we look forward to challenging conversations with all who seek. We couldn’t be more thrilled that you’re ready to begin exploring the reality of Jesus in a logical, understandable fashion. We’d love to hear your story.
Worship Service
Please join us for our worship services every Sunday at 10:00 am. We meet at 86 Main Street, Bucksport, ME 04416, in the Lighthouse Arts Center. When arriving, please use the entrance at the back of the building along the river walkway. We would love to have you join us! Please contact us through the information below or visit our Facebook page if you have any questions.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. You are welcome to join us Sunday worship services at 10:00 am at 86 Main Street, Bucksport, ME 04416. Interested? Our new website address is: www.thebridgechurchmaine.org. Email Us or call us at 207.852.4930. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.